Thursday, March 05, 2009

Why 17?

Originally uploaded by Sleepy-sue.
Today 17 babies will die, the tragic victims of stillbirth or neonatal death. This is a statistic that is seeing no signs of decreasing, and behind each number is a family rocked to the foundations by the death of their baby.

This shocking figure, the loss of 6,500 babies every year, is something the public is not generally aware of. Most people think stillbirths don’t happen in the 21st century. Yet stillbirth in the UK is 10 times more common than cot death.

At Sands, the stillbirth and neonatal death charity, we feel this number of deaths is totally unacceptable. We have launched the Why17? campaign to raise awareness of this devastating loss and to ask the question:

“Why are 17 babies a day dying and what can be done to halt this national tragedy?”

“I just want to raise awareness of stillbirth. I had no idea that this could happen to me"

1) Follow this link, fill in your details to email your MP to make them aware of the parliamentary launch of Why17? on March 4th 2009:

2) Add your name to the list of supporters (petition) :

3) Make a contribution: donate online; buy a window sticker / wristband / balloon; or plan a sponsored event. More ideas here:

The photo is from flickr user sleepy-sue. Lots of people posted really amazing photos on the theme of Why 17? yesterday, this one hit home for me because James is so into Thomas the Tank Engine.